Monday, February 28, 2011


...I'm tired! Not to complain or anything, but so much has been going on since the first of the year! I do apologize for the lack in posting however keeping up with my duties as a wife (pw), mother, employee with a new position, school, church, a move, two blogs, youtube channel, and facebook page can be quite overwhelming.

The word for today is BALANCE! People often say, "I don't know how you do it." I can't begin to take credit for any of the strength, grace, mercy, and support God provides for me- it's all HIM!! I do have a great support system in first of all my husband. Since he doesn't work a traditional 9-5 like I do, he is more flexible in assisting me with a lot of things. Also, my mother-in-law and other in-laws for that matter offer as much support as they can. Finally and on occasion, the wonderful church family God has given us also chip in if we ask them (which isn't much)! So we're blessed.

Still, my house can be more organized and tided. I'm barely making some school assignment deadlines. The hubby and kids have mentioned at times that I spend less time with them. So how do I balance it all? How do you balance it all? What do you do when there doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to accomplish all you set out to do? Join in this discussion and share your little balancing act secrets.


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