First Lady/Elect Lady Duties
It is often asked of me what my duties or responsibilities as First Lady/Elect Lady (FL/EL) are. Well my answer may differ from another FL/EL as I feel ones duties and responsibilites are more than likely established by ones Pastor/Husband, based on ones gifts, talents, and abilities given by Holy Spirit. Some FL/EL prefer to be very active in ministry and their duties/responsibilities can range from Women's Department Leader to Assistant or Co-Pastor. Some FL/EL prefer to be less active in ministry and is content with just supporting their Pastor/Husband and participating in a few church ministries.
My personal opinion and/or advice to a FL/EL who may be perplexed about this subject is to allow God and ones Pastor/Husband to lead & guide you. God created you and He knows what's in you and your Pastor/Husband should recognize the potentials you have within you and encourage you to use them for the Kingdom. It will take some time to develop and establish yourself, but don't fret, in due season you will be operating and flowing in those duties and responsibilities as if you hit the door running from day one. Bottom line, be yourself and don't let anyone define you or pressure you into being someone or something you're not! Operating in that vain will only lead to you becoming resentful of the church and ministry.

What is your opnion and/or advice regarding this subject? How were your duties and responsibilities established for you?